Build a well-diversified portfolio to grow wealth

A common accusation many readers make about this column is that while it encourages investing in equity, it does not carry
specific recommendations about where to invest and how much. That kind of specific investment advice is quite dangerous,
though it makes life easier for the investor. Unless one is a financial adviser, it is simply unethical to reel off names. The
question is not of expertise, but of the nature of equity investing itself.
Even the most intensive research can come up short when unexpected events impact businesses and markets. It is not as if I
hold back something precious from the readers of this column; it is just that I cannot forecast the future.
A very comforting emotion is the sense of control. Investors want to believe that the equity investments they make will behave
in a manner that they can predict, understand, control, and therefore not worry much about. When they realise that things could
go wrong; that their money could be at risk; or that their choices will perform poorly, not doing anything seems better. The
comfort of a small fixed interest in the bank seems like a safer option. But that so harshly short changes your wealth. Many
investors know about the benefits of long-term investments in equity. What holds them back from acting, then? Two primary
reasons I would think. First, the idea of a higher return must be associated with something concrete.
The inability to associate a high return with a specific product makes them think such examples are hypothetical. Second, the
lack of conviction in the process that can enable a higher return. When I point out that diversification is the only way to achieve
better returns, I have lost my investor already. They want me to tell them whether they should buy stock A or stock B, and if I
say that they should have both, and a dozen more, to manage risks better, they fail to grasp the merit of this process. Let me
offer a four-step process, which I hope will help many such investors.
Needless to add, equity is for the long run and for growth in the value of the investment. If you think you will need to draw the
money in a short period of time, it is best left in the bank. First, investing in equity is not about picking the right stocks. If you
spend your time trying to pick stocks, you will have to allow for the many mistakes you will make in the process.

The learning curve is steep and the lessons harsh. If you are a first-time investor, choosing to let money idle in the bank rather than invest in
equity, you could make expensive mistakes trying to dabble in stocks. Equity means the market as a whole or the asset class
that invests in growing businesses. That is the orientation you must keep.
Second, a portfolio of stocks is better than individual bets. Since you cannot foresee the future, you have to begin with a bunch
of stocks, and weed out whatever is going bad as you go along. If you are buying stocks, you should hold 20-25 equity stocks
to be able to cushion yourself from the wrong decisions you could make. If you cannot construct and manage such a portfolio,
buy an equity fund or an index fund. Define your search thus: You are looking for a portfolio of stocks, that will be actively
managed to throw out what is not performing. You can buy and hold a portfolio passively, only if someone else is monitoring it
for quality.
Third, equity investing involves both strategic and tactical choices. For example, if your intention is to be invested in large
companies that are market leaders in their segment, an investment in a large-cap equity fund or a narrow index like the Nifty
will serve your purpose. You will find that large-cap funds tactically modify their holdings in sectors and stocks to do better than
the index. The choices in equity funds and indices expands this choice of tactical holdings further, to mid-cap stocks, small-cap
stocks, themes and sectors. Take a pyramid approach—more in strategic choices at the bottom and a tapered smaller holding
in tactical portfolios.
Fourth, the process of selecting a specific fund can be simplified. Each fund house offers a lengthy list of products, but you are
looking specifically for large-cap funds, mid- and small-cap funds, and themes and sectors if you are taking tactical calls. Look
for a diversified portfolio and check if the fund has a 10-year track record. Compare its performance with the benchmark index
year-on-year. If the fund has done better than the index in 7 out of 10 years, you should do fine.
I routinely receive queries that ask SIP or lump sum? How much should the SIP be? How many SIPs? In the larger scheme of
things this will not matter; that you invested it in equity will. Once you begin investing, you will receive a folio number. You can
add to it by buying at any time you wish, whenever you have surplus funds. Choose 4-5 funds or indices at the most, and start

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