71 Vishal Kapoor, CEO, IDFC Asset Management Co YouTube

Mutual Funds are great because of safety, security, diversification, professional fund management, track record, regulation, etc. But the main reason is – it is a simple, easy, and low-cost investment.

71 Stay updated with Mutual Funds performance YouTube

How is the performance of Mutual Fund monitored? Let’s know this while comparing it with Stock Market shares! NAV – Net Asset Value is the price of a Mutual Fund the same way as the stock has a particular price.

71 Sanjay Sapre, President, Franklin Templeton YouTube

The best time to start investing in Mutual Funds is the time when you started earning, the next best time is today!

71 Nilesh Shah, MD, Kotak Mahindra Asset Management YouTube

Investment needs dedication like the dedication of Eklavaya. The second is investing like Kumbhakarana like he invested and went to sleep for 14 years. Also the thing to learn is the advantage of having an advisor.

71 Mutual Funds can be a replacement for almost all kinds of asset classes YouTube

Over time many things can change like the risk appetite, amount of money invested, understanding of the market, etc. The only thing which will remain is the vehicle of Mutual Fund.

71 Mrs Anuradha Rao, Managing Director and CEO, SBI Funds Management Pvt LTD YouTube

You can get the monthly regular income with Mutual Funds. You can get this by opting for monthly plans which pay regular dividends. Also for the person who is retired has separate tailored plans for regular returns.

71 Mr Neil Parikh, CEO, PPFAS Asset Management Pvt Ltd YouTube

Don’t work for money, make your money work for you! You can do this by investing in equities for a long time so that you can experience the power of compounding.

71 Mr Milind Barve, Managing Director, HDFC Asset Management Co Ltd YouTube

You as an investor are concerned about when to enter the market as the market is quite volatile. The key is to invest for the long term and experience the magic of compounding.

71 Vishal Kapoor, CEO, IDFC Asset Management Co YouTube

Mutual Funds are great because of safety, security, diversification, professional fund management, track record, regulation, etc. But the main reason is – it is a simple, easy, and low-cost investment.

71 Mr Leo Puri, Managing Director, UTI Asset Management Co Ltd YouTube

It is a myth that Mutual Funds are risky, volatile, and difficult to understand. In fact, it is the most simple and easy way for the common man to access the capital market. Also, it is a good investment idea as it is managed by experts.

71 Mr Kailash Kulkarni, Chief Executive Officer, L&T Investment Management Ltd YouTube

Every parent wants a better life for their children. For this, it is important to invest wisely. One of the best options is to invest in Mutual Funds. Here one can withdraw the amount whenever required.

71 Mr Jignesh Shah, Chief Executive Officer, IL&FS Infra Asset Management Ltd YouTube

Asset Allocation is an important part of Investing thesis. An investment portfolio should contain funds that help in wealth creation and give good returns.

71 Mr G Pradeepkumar, Chief Executive Officer, Union Asset Management Co Pvt Ltd YouTube

Mutual Fund is the best way for the common man to create wealth. Many people in India have managed to build homes, pursue education with mutual funds investment. It has the power to transform the lives of people.

71 Mr Chandresh Kumar Nigam, Managing Director and CEO, Axis Asset Management Co Ltd YouTube

Mutual Funds are financial planning which makes the financial position strong. Also, it gives safety, security, liquidity, income generation, and others like capital generation.

71 Mr Ashutosh Bishnoi, Managing Director and CEO, Mahindra Asset Management Co Pvt Ltd YouTub

Mutual Funds are safe as it goes to trust and are then invested in the market. So, the money doesn’t actually is owned by the company but by you!

71 ANTHONY HEREDIA, CEO of Baroda Pioneer Asset Management Co Ltd YouTube

Equity is the natural choice when it comes to returns. Buying an equity fund is the best way to choose as it is handled by experts who carefully study the stocks.

71 Long term ke liye, Mutual Funds Sahi Hai YouTube

You can minimize the effects of ups and downs in the market by investing in long-term equity Mutual Funds.