Book Recommendation.

Mutual Fund Handbook for IFAs

Mutual Fund distribution is a great business to be in. However, among thousands of IFAs who join this business every year, few make it big but many IFAs either just survive or exit very early. This is because they do not get proper guidance and road-map of how to go about this business. This book will act as a guide to such IFAs. Written by a successful IFA himself, this book talks about the practical aspect of this business.




The Million Dollar Financial Advisor

It contains powerful lessons and proven strategies from successful advisors. It features select few advisors in the US who reached a level of 1 million dollars or more in earning every year. How did they do it? What is their mindset? What are the things they focus on? How do they market themselves and their products? How they manage their time? All this and much more is covered in this book.




The Supernova Advisor

To become a successful investment advisor, sales is not sufficient. You must have excellent systems and processes. Also, there is an easier way to acquire more clients and grow faster. The Supernova Advisor will give excellent insights on how to become more effective. Strongly recommend to every IFA.


The Behavior Gap

There is a gap between market returns and investor returns. Why is this? Carl Richards term it as ‘behavior gap’ by investors. It is one of the finest books written on investor psychology. Every IFA should read this book to gain insight into their own investors’ behaviour so that they can manage them well.





The Devil’s Dictionary

A humorous read for people engaged in financial markets; both as an investor or as an intermediary. The author decodes the terms and jargons used in the financial world in his own way using sarcasm which is close to reality.





Getting Started as a Financial Planner

The title of book says it all. If you are a financial planner (even otherwise), this is the first book you should read. It is written in simple language and easy to practice in real life.






Riding The Roller Coaster

The book is about lessons from financial market cycles we repeatedly forget. It covers events spread over five centuries including; Tulipomania in the 17th century, the south sea bubble in the 18th century, the great depression in 1930’s, the great Indian securities scam in 1990’s, the dotcom crash and the sub prime crisis in the first decade of the 21st century and many others. Amit is an industry veteran and this book will act as a reminder to IFAs about the after effect of exuberance and make them a better investment manager.



Indian Mutual Funds Handbook

This book on mutual fund investing gives you a complete and clear idea on “How to select a mutual fund” and disciplined methods of investing your money, in an easy to understand an approach.





Bogle on Mutual Funds

You will get to know the difference between common stock, money market, bond etc. You get complete guidance on investing in mutual funds. You will also be familiar with the common mistakes that investors normally make.





 Guide to Indian Mutual Fund

This book clarifies you on the basic concepts related to Mutual fund investing. This includes an introduction to mutual funds, NAV, types of mutual funds, different concepts, how to invest in mutual funds and a wide range of other topics in a simple manner.





Mutual Funds in India

This book on mutual fund investing guides you on relevant mutual fund concepts and helps you in investing in fixed income(debt) oriented mutual fund schemes. It covers a wide range of academic as well as practical aspects related to mutual funds in a simple manner to help you in your investing.




Common Sense on Mutual Funds

This book reflects the structural changes in the mutual fund industry. You can become a better investor after reading and understanding these investing fundamentals.





Investing for Beginners

This book adds to your investing knowledge and helps you grab some proven strategies to earn money by investing in stocks and mutual funds. As a newbie investor, you will learn important investing concepts to gain confidence in investing your money. You will know about long-term investing, diversification, analysing mutual funds and much more.




Mutual Funds For Wealth Building

This book guides you on how to build wealth by investing in mutual funds. In easy to understand format, this explains the various concepts and strategies of investing in mutual funds. What is a mutual fund, types of mutual funds, cost, different investing strategies and avoiding common mistakes are the key topics?