Parminder & Bhupinder

Parminder Singh and Bhupinder Singh are best friends. They have been brought up in the same neighbourhood, studied in the same class in the same school, and then they were benchmates in college. It was time for Parminder to leave for Pune as he took up a job there. So one day, before exchanging goodbyes, they were having a serious discussion about their future. They realized that with the ever increasing cost of living, it would be very difficult for them to realize their life goals, how will they sustain themselves after retiring kept hovering in their minds. They had their houses, which both of them inherited from their Parents. At that moment, they were 25 years old, unmarried. They both thought of investing for their retirement, which will happen 40 years later, when they will be 65 years old. Parminder moved to Pune and forgot about the discussion, but Bhupinder followed and made an investment of Rs 250,000 in an Equity Mutual Fund and he also started an SIP of Rs 1,000 a month in another equity mutual fund. Now, five years later Parminder came to Jalandhar and they met. The clock ticked and the topic of investments rolled in. Parminder had nothing to contribute, but Bhupinder did, since he did invest and the value of his lump sum investment of Rs 2.5 lacs has grown to Rs. 4.5 Lacs in addition to the SIP he is running.

Parminder was disheartened, since he has not saved even a penny for his retirement. But Bhupinder, being his true friend, encouraged him and said, “Pammi, it is never too late. You are still young, and can still invest for your retirement which is 35 years hence”. Parminder agreed and he too invested Rs 4.5 Lacs (which is equal to the present value of Bhupinder’s investment) in the same mutual fund for his retirement and he also started an SIP of Rs 1,000 a month. Now, let’s see what would be the value of their investment 35 years later.

Parminder Lumpsum investment: Rs. 4.5 Lacs
Value at the age of 65: Rs. 2.78 Crores
SIP Investment: Rs. 4.2 Lacs (Rs 1,000*12*35)
Value at the age of 65: Rs. 55.10 Lacs
Total Investment: Rs. 8.7 Lacs
Total Retirement Fund Value: Rs. 3.33 Crores

Bhupinder Lumpsum investment: Rs. 2.5 Lacs
Value at the age of 65: Rs. 2.78 Crores
SIP Investment: Rs. 4.8 Lacs (Rs 1,000*12*40)
Value at the age of 65: Rs. 97.93 Lacs
Total Investment: Rs. 7.3 Lacs
Total Retirement Fund Value: Rs. 3.76 Crores

Parminder invested Rs 1.4 Lacs more than Bhupinder, yet his returns were Rs. 43 Lacs than Bhupinder.

Because he started 5 years late.
Inference from the story

Start Early: The sooner you start the better. The only reason why Bhupinder was the winner in the investment race was he started five years earlier. Firstly, he enjoyed the benefit of investing Rs 2 Lac less than his friend while eventually landing at the same value in case of lump sum investment. And in case of SIP, though he invested a little more, but at maturity he outperformed his counterpart by a staggering Rs 43 Lacs. The reason behind his win is the most powerful force in the universe “The Power of Compounding”. The extra five years were a blessing for him.

It is never too late: The anecdote is not meant to discourage the ones who did not invest when they were 25. Though the best time was the one which has passed, yet there an ever brighter tomorrow. If Bhupinder wouldn’t have invested even at 30, he wouldn’t have had Rs 3.33 crores for his retirement life. All you have to do is for the love of yourself hit the start button.

So, whatever age you are. Go ahead, reach your advisor and start investing!

Basic Guide To Bond Market Dynamics

Compared to equity market, bond market is considered to be stable and less volatile. But events such as falling currency makes the market volatile, depreciation and appreciation of currency against dollar is the most happening event and most of the time regulator RBI take measure to balance it time to time. And such measures often affects the bond price movement adversely.

Certainly the volatility in debt market creates doubts in minds of investors about debt market and its functionality. The base of debt market is interest rate movement. Interest rate scenario affects bond prices and so debt funds return. There is an inverse relationship between interest rate and bond prices. As interest rate moves up, bond prices come down and vice versa. This is one of the reasons why bond funds delivered negative return recently with unexpected spike in short term rates due to RBI action. So investment in long duration bond funds is recommended when interest rates are likely to fall.

There are few important things to consider before investing in debt funds :

  • Investment duration of investors
  • Average maturity period of bond/debt fund
  • Interest rate scenario
  • Understanding of the product

If you want to invest for one year, you will go to bank and invest in 1 year bank F.D. In the same way if your investment horizon is 1 year, you should opt for debt fund suitable for 1 year investment horizon. Investing in long duration bond/gilt fund for 1 year can prove risky for retail investors. So matching investment horizon with category of bond fund is very essential for bond fund investor.

Short Term Money Market Funds:
These types of funds invest in very short maturity bond papers, typically less than 91 days maturity. So interest rate risk practically does not exist for this category of funds. These are ideally suited for investors who are looking for investment of less than 1 year with low level of volatility.

Long Term Bond Funds:

Duration Funds:
Duration based funds are the ones, which take long term call on interest rate movement. Fund manager of duration fund is active in bond trading and he/she takes call on bond portfolio based on interest rate movement. i.e. if interest rate scenario looks falling, fund manager increases the duration of the portfolio by buying long maturity bond paper and vice versa. Normally they hold long duration papers of above 5 year maturity.

Accrual Based Funds:
In Accrual based funds, fund manager does not play or rely on interest rate movement. Here they try to identify high yielding/high interest paying and high credit quality bond paper, and hold them till maturity. They play on accrual and not on interest rate movement. High yields earned on portfolio get reflected in fund performance. Normally the tenure of the bond paper remains on the shorter side, less than 3 years. So this category of bond fund is less vulnerable to interest rate risk.

Both duration funds and accrual funds are for little longer horizon of above 2 years and volatility remains on a little higher side in duration funds compared to accrual based funds.

As explained in the above matrix, as an investor one needs to match his/her investment horizon with a suitable product within debt fund category.

As discussed, mutual funds have different products within debt fund category catering to investor requirements across time frame. Ranging from one day to 2 years, investors can look at debt funds, which suit their investment requirements to generate tax efficient return compared to other fixed income products.

Financial Freedom For Women

Men and women have been created as equals and have equal rights. Unfortunately, for most of us, the financial and social status of women in India comes second to men. The women around us – be it daughters, sisters, mothers or our better halves, have a special place in our hearts and our lives. But many of them are likely to “not” be financially sound, literate or independent.

In today’s world, where society is undergoing a big change, women continue to be most prone to financial crisis and are financially most vulnerable. We believe that it is very essential for women to be financially literate and independent, for many reasons like…

    • The average life of a woman is more than the average life of a man.
    • There is a growing number of single women. This may occur anytime due to career choices, divorce or death / disability of husbands.
    • In absence of earning male members, females often carry the burden of the family.

The work life of women is less than men because of various reasons like raising a child, family problems, health issues, etc. Generally women also receive less pay than men.

  • Women are more likely to come under pressure /influence of others in financial and inheritance matters.
  • Financially literate and independent women can be of great support and financial help to their families, especially husbands. Women have been known to be smart savers and money managers at home.

One needs to look at the numerous examples before judging women as not being smart enough to handle financial matters. A financially independent woman can today support herself and her family with income. Such a person would have good control over finances and would attempt to shape the financial future for the betterment of all.

Most women are totally dependent on their husbands and families, not only for their day to day expenses but also for their financial future. Women generally don’t have any clue about their family finances and are left totally dumbfounded in case of an emergency. Irrespective of how much money is the father or husband making, you are never fully financially independent without your own money. Being economically independent will boost your confidence, taking decisions for yourself, will increase your risk taking ability. You can satisfy your whims with your own money and might be the bread earner for your family in times of need.

Women generally have a different work life than men. Some are freelancing or working part-time or the hours of work are lesser or are more prone to taking leaves and sabbaticals. All these head to small savings for women. Clary Boothe Luce said “A women’s best protection is a little money of her own”. However, if not properly managed and directed into the right investment channels, these hard earned small savings will be futile.

What to do?
Proper savings and investments can help you become financially independent over time, even if you are not earning. The following are the steps that one should take…

Learn about money: Never feel shy or hesitant to learn more about money – savings, investments, investment products, mutual funds, etc. In case your family is not supportive, you can always reason with them. It is better to know about the financial holdings /assets /insurance policies and bank/demat accounts in your family to be ready for any emergency.

Be Active: The idea is to get more engaged in financial matters of your family, with the support of your spouse. Open your own bank account or have a joint account with your husband. You can also have your own credit card / debit cards for managing your regular expenses. Also start a demat & trading account with which you can make your investments.

Get Covered: Most often we find that the women, not having financial earnings are neglected when it comes to insurance coverages. This is a wrong perspective to adopt as every girl /woman has to be adequately covered with insurance.

Start Saving: The first step is to start saving and then investing those savings. The easiest way to save for long term wealth creation is by starting an equity mutual fund SIP. You can start with a very small amount, say R500 every month. Invest small savings in mutual funds through SIP and see your savings grow. You can also increase the amount of the SIP with the increase in your savings / income. Plan for your goals: You may have many short-term or long-term financial goals. Try to invest for your goals through mutual funds which offer different types of funds which will easily match your investment objectives and horizon. The investment horizon can range from few days to double digit years.

Old Age: A regular inflow of funds or a huge corpus is necessary for your maintenance in your old age. Just imagine being at the mercy of your son /daughter-in-law in future in absence of your husband. We don’t even want to imagine that! No matter how much you love your family and children, you should not leave to fate what you can prepare for your tomorrow by investing smartly.

Emergencies: As the pillar of your family, women are likely to find themselves in emergency situations like accident, ill-health, loss of income, etc. of their husband or other family members. Having some money saved for emergency can prove to be be immensely helpful and you would not be forced to beg for money from others. Keep aside some liquid investments for emergencies only.

Every person has an equal right to dignity, respect, freedom to pursue own dreams and independence, including financial independence. Financial independence and empowerment of women can not only bring great benefits to a family but also to the entire community and country at large. Let us work towards ensuring this, beginning first at home.

You Need To Take Your Weekend Seriously

We’re all busy in this fast paced life. Often we have many things that we need to do on priority and still many things that we wish to do but can’t find time.The list of works to do fills up faster than we can actually tick off. What we all want is more time… Well we all can certainly do and achieve a lot more if we can make the most of that extra time we all have-the weekends!
This article explores the things to do on your weekends that would surely enrich your lives and help you be more successful and happy. But, before we actually start firing the 6 ideas, let us first appreciate the reasons that make weekends important in our lives…

Why weekends should be taken seriously?

Our mind & body are wonder machines that keeps on going with the minimal of fuss. However, just like any modern computing device, both the software & hardware, i.e, mind & body, needs to reboot once in a while. The weekends are an opportunity to unwind & reboot and for that, they must be different from your usual weekdays having the necessary doses of energy, fun, creativity, emotions, rest and peace.
In numerical terms, those having Sunday day off would have 52 weekends in year 2014. For those having two days off a week would have 104 weekends! Just imagine that endless possibilities that one can exploit on one hand and the amount of time that would be wasted wasted the other hand.
Many successful people from different fields strongly believe that the weekends are a secret weapon to their professional /business success. To hit that Monday morning hard with full energy and enthusiasm, you just have to rejuvenate yourself in the weekend. Any lack of this and you will probably drain and exhaust yourself before the week ends.

Be with family, friends

Weekends are a great time to make up relationships stronger and bond with people. Afterall, strong relationships and the emotional comfort is very essential to being happy and successful in life. The recommended activities need to be simple and without any distractions. Most successful people prefer to quitely spend some quality time with their kids and family and to do simple activities like go to parks, play games, long drives, have food together, catch up on children lives, etc. Once in a while though, we can also experiment. For those who wish to try, there are many ideas like having family photo sessions, learning a new skill from a friend/professional like yoga, dancing, medicine, painting, photography, reciting your favourite poems, sharing family stories, listening to music, group singing or a friendly debate, visit to old age homes /orphanage, and so on. The choices can be endless to match everyone’s comfort and interests. Irrespective of any activity you choose, you can create rituals & traditions that enrich your lives and which later become priceless memories.

Rejuvenate mind & body

The weekends present a great opportunity to unwind in a healthy way by working the body and the mind. What people should aim at is to have a flow of positive energy through the mind and body. To begin with, one should be careful in not wasting the weekend mornings. Early morning risers can be amazed at the amount of time they have at their disposal. The time should be reserved for some sort of physical activity or sport like extended walks, jogging, biking, yoga, badminton games, and so on. One can also take time to meditate, listen to soft music or later pursue your interests like photography, painting, etc. during the day. A short afternoon nap tucked in between the day will also help you rejuvenate you a lot. Note that late night parties, saturday night bars, sleeping or watching television all day long don’t qualify to be on the list. Very often, you will feel drained, dizzy or mentally exhausted at the end of it.

Finish Off Your Chores

Scheduling your chores, works on the weekend can help you stay in control of the things that need to be done. One of the most critical chores that one should do every weekend is revisiting your finances. Among the things that one can do over a weekend are

  1. Work on weekly /monthly budgets or at least keeping a check on the week’s expenses
  2. Planning for the expenses /income for the next week /rest of the month.
  3. Recording of your important documents like bills, vouchers, etc.
  4. Checking upon your investments /portfolio

Among the other things that can be done includes paying bills, household chores, groceries, medical checkups, fixing & maintenance works, and so on. What is is important is that we allocate a proper time window to do these chores and to be motivated enough on the weekend to do it. Afterall, discipline, is one differentiating attribute between those living organised lives and those living otherwise.

Getting New Ideas

There is no formula to get great ideas apart from keep on trying. Normal working days do not allow us to think creatively and out of box. The weekends, with moments relaxed mind & leisure of time, one can easily get the creative juices flowing and think of innovative ideas and solutions on any subject. The ideation can on business & professional challenges, new ventures, concepts, and so on. You can keep a personal notebook of the ideas with you and write down all the constructive thoughts that cross your mind. You never know… most small Sunday ideas can be realised very easily while some Sunday ideas can even change lives!


Weekends also present great opportunity to do all sorts of ‘planning’ and fill those blank pages of your diary. It can be about goals, targets & things that you will do within the next week to the long and even very long term. Among the short term things that you can definitely plan are the household chores, family matters, work issues, finances, travel plans and so on. For professionals, executives, planning for the
next week’s agenda is also something that can be done every week so that you are ready with the execution plan when you are in office on Monday morning.

Self Introspection

Self introspection is the most powerful medium to change yourself for good. On weekends, one can easily free the mind, be alone and spend some moments to introspect. Introspection is very crucial in our lives at all times. In Hinduism, Swami Chinmayananda emphasised the role of introspection in five stages, outlined in his book “Self Unfoldment”; and the Jains have the practise of ‘pratikraman’ to be followed. In this personal thing you would be one with your own conscious thoughts and feelings. The introspection can be on many things like – your decisions, actions, reactions, the situations that you handled and how you would do it again. Things like – building a stronger self personality in mind, looking at the way you are and who you want to be. These thoughts are sure to open new horizons and realisations for you and become a better person more than anything else…


In present times, things are very fast paced and our usual weekdays have evolved a lot. There are higher expectations and greater competition for all of us today. Time has come that we define and plan for time to enjoy our lives and also work towards making it better. The weekends can be a gateway to enrich your lives with better relationships, health, skills and an overall rejuvenated yourself. If you are aiming to be successful and / or happy, we need to do most of the 6 things in this piece on weekends. It is time to realise the importance of weekends and capitalise on them rather than allow them to just pass away.

Do Not Replay Your ELSS

This is the time of the year when you would be gathering your medical bills for supporting medical allowances, petrol bills for transport allowance, boarding passes for claiming LTA, insurance receipts, donation receipts, etc. This is also the time when many of us would be investing in various tax saving products to avail maximum tax exemption.

Equity Linked Saving Schemes have proved their mettle over the years. It is the most preferred option for many investors when in comes to saving taxes because of a number of factors like high returns, highest liquidity among all tax saving instruments under section 80C of the Income Tax Act, easy application and withdrawal, etc. If we look at the performance numbers alone, the average return generated by ELSS schemes over the past three years, five years and fifteen years is 18.34%, 17.36% and 20.27% respectively. (Average of 31 ELSS Mutual Fund Schemes. Data as of 31st Dec 2016). These numbers are greater than any other tax saving instrument in India.

For many people, investing in saving tax instruments is their only investment in the year. And investors often tend to replay their investments. Replaying investments means redeeming your tax saving investments on maturity and reinvesting the same amount for your current tax saving investment requirement. ELSS schemes as we know are good performers in terms of returns and are the best investment option if we consider liquidity. Investors are often tempted by the small lock in period of three years and they invest with the intention to ‘Replay their Investment’.

The idea behind tax saving is investing for your future, investing for fulfilling goals and not just saving immediate taxes. And ELSS schemes are also based on the same notion. The lower lock in of ELSS is intended to give you the flexibility of withdrawal in case of emergencies. Your present survival is more important than your future wealth. So if after five years, you are in dire need of money and your tax savers are of no use, because of long lock ins, the entire purpose of saving gets defeated. But then it doesn’t mean that you withdraw your investment after exact 3 years even if it is not an emergency.

Why should you not recycle your ELSS investment?

Consider an example, Karan Kapoor and Arjun Kapoor are brothers and both of them are living and working in Mumbai. The Kapoor brothers invested Rs 1 Lac each in ELSS schemes in the year 2014, Rs 1 lac in 2015 and another lac in 2016. Now they have to invest for 2017. Karan decides to keep his existing investments intact and he makes a fresh investment of Rs 1 lac for this year and for the years to come. While his brother Arjun feels that it is better to redeem his 2014 ELSS, since it will now mature and he can direct the same money into his 2017 tax saving commitment, and the subsequent years will follow.

Who is on the right track?

Let’s analyse which brother has the right approach:

1. Karan will be saving and investing fresh 1 Lac or even more each year. Therefore he is accumulating a greater corpus for his future and will be in a much better position than Arjun in meeting his various life goals and emergencies. Arjun on the other hand is eventually not saving anything after three years. His investment is just Rs 3 Lacs, and this a tiny sum for his entire future.

2. ELSS schemes are market linked. They are managed like any other equity scheme and are hence ideal long term investment products. Karan’s investment may fall or rise, he has no plans to withdraw. Arjun on the other hand will withdraw every year, the markets may or may not be in his favour. Hence there are greater chances of losing out on returns and even on the principal.

3. Karan will reap the benefits of long term equity growth, while Arjun will end up Replaying his Investment only.

4. Since Karan is committed to investing regularly, he is eventually saving extra, he has a more disciplined approach to investing. Arjun on the other hand is not saving after three years will be spending all his savings and compromising on a safe financial future. This is disrupting his saving discipline and long term financial security and goals.

The above factors clears that Karan Kapoor is following the right approach. It shows us why we should be smart like Karan, and not Recycle our ELSS investment. Rather invest with the objective of holding it for the long term. Do not redeem until you are in an emergency or a financial goal is approaching. You must remember it is not a mere tax saving instrument, but an investment for fulfilling your life goals.

Saving Is Not Investing

The two wonders of personal finance “Saving” and “investment” are often perceived as same by most of us. But, both these terms are distinct and have a very important role to play in our financial life. An investor must understand the difference and relevance of both the elements. And we have to participate in both activities to secure a sound financial future for ourselves.

To begin with, let’s understand the meaning of the terms “saving” and “investment”. Saving is nothing but the excess of income over expenses. So, if your monthly income is Rs 50,000 and your expenses are Rs 30,000. So your saving is Rs. 20,000.

This Rs. 20,000 helps you in meeting your upcoming family emergencies, buying clothes for a cousin’s wedding, or buying gifts for your family this new year, or meet other unexpected expenses, etc.

This saving can be in the form of cash at home or money lying in your savings bank account. When this saving is put to use with a view to generate a return, this process is called investment. So, when you use your saving and buy a mutual fund, or an FD, or put it in real estate, you do it because you want to generate an income on your money. So, these are investment activities.

Although your money lying in your saving account is also giving you a return of about 4%, but it isn’t your investment, because the return is not even able to cover the cost of inflation. If Rs. 2000 can get you a third AC train ticket from Mumbai to Delhi today. Five years later, you would need around Rs 2800 for the same ticket. Now if you deposit Rs 2000 in your saving bank account today, it would give you around Rs 2500 after 5 years, which will not be enough to provide for the ticket. Therefore, money kept in a saving bank account is not enough to cover the cost of inflation and hence is not an investment.

This means money looses its value over time because of inflation, and in order to combat with the evil of inflation, we must Invest. A major differentiating factor between saving and investment is the purpose behind engaging in each. And that is where we shall give a deep thought and decide if the goal for which we are saving, will be met by simply saving or if we need to put in more efforts and “invest that saving” and actualize our goals.

Saving is generally not backed by a goal. The money is being saved because that money is not in use today, or is saved for meeting any uncounted expenses. Or even if there is a purpose it isn’t a defining factor of your life, it can be saving for buying a mobile, or a dress, etc. On the contrary, there is a specific purpose behind investing which has a significant impact on your life. We invest for buying our dream house, we invest for our children’s education, we invest for our children’s marriage, we invest for our retirement or may be we invest simply to create wealth. These goals can not be achieved by just saving. Imagine saving Rs 10 Lacs in a bank account @ 4% interest for meeting your daughter’s wedding expenses which is planned 10 years hence. There will be a huge mismatch between the funds you have in your saving account then and the funds you require. And this gap can only be filled with investment.

Therefore, it is important that in order to achieve our life goals, we invest. And each goal must be aligned with an investment. For each goal, a particular type of investment is required which is determined by the investment horizon, amount required, your financial position, risk taking ability and various other factors. Your financial advisor will help in selecting the investment products ideal for your goals.

The bottomline is it is important to save and to invest the saving. Both of them are independent as well as interdependent. You must be able to draw a boundary between saving and investment, and not just save for your future. Saving & Investment is an ongoing process and should not be disrupted. So, if you are saving and not investing or worse not saving at all, then you must get your act together as your financial health is dependent on these exercises.

Plan Your Taxes Now!

The year 2016 is ending in a day. It was a wonderful year, full of excitement, joy and surprises. When 2016 started, most of us made new year resolutions, we decided to be nice to others, quit smoking, start going for a morning walk, and bring in discipline into our lives. We also decided to bring in financial discipline and start saving, among others. Many people did follow their resolutions, did a proper financial and tax planning, while others forgot about it.

We declared our 80C investments under random heads in April, because we did not plan ahead, and then we relaxed, since those investments were being considered in salary calculations and TDS was not being deducted upto that extent.

Now is the time when the HR mails have started entering our mailboxes or will start soon, asking for tax proofs. Now we realize, we should have planned for taxes earlier. If we do not plan for taxes and invest now, the accumulated TDS will be deducted from our salaries, which will be a huge amount. Since the time is less, we take decisions in a haste, and tendency to take wrong decisions increase. We might invest in random tax saving instruments in which our friends are investing, not realizing that those instruments may be suitable for them but not for us. Some businessmen paid their advance taxes, while others did not, and will be investing in random instruments in the month of March, because there is no HR to remind them.

So, if you are the one who did not plan for taxes earlier, do not waste time and start planning now.

You must keep in mind a few factors before beginning investing:

1. Calculate: Assess how much you need to invest. Calculate your total annual income, including the expected income for the next three months. Also consider the expected bonus, if any. Now work out how much you need to invest in tax saving instruments to save maximum taxes.

2. EPF: You must remember that every month, an EPF deduction was being made from your salary, so you should minus the total EPF contribution from the total investment that you have come up to, in the first step and plan for the rest.

3. Insurance: Though you get tax deduction in some insurance policies, yet you must remember that insurance is meant to protect you and it is not an investment. You need insurance to protect you, your dear ones and your assets in case of emergencies. It is very important to have adequate insurance, but while you are tax planning, you must focus on products which will give you tax benefits as well as maximum returns. You shall also consider health insurance while planning for taxes as apart from giving you a medical coverage, it entitles you to claim Rs 25,000 under Section 80D for premiums paid for self, spouse and kids. You can also claim an additional Rs 25,000 for premiums paid for your parents (an extra Rs 5,000 if your parents are senior citizens). Health insurance deduction is over and above the Rs 150,000 deduction under Section 80C.

4. PPF, Bank FD, etc.: Before investing in PPF, you must consider the fact that you cannot withdraw your investment for the next 15 years. Secondly, in traditional investment options like FD, PPF, etc. the return that you will be getting is around 8% and there may be options which can offer a higher rate. So evaluate all investment options before moving ahead.

5. ELSS: Equity linked Saving Schemes (ELSS) in Mutual Funds lets you save tax under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. You can invest upto Rs 150,000 in a year in ELSS and get tax deduction and the best part is it has the shortest lock in period of 3 years, as compared to other tax saving instruments. You shall contact your financial advisor and he will guide you in selecting the best schemes for you.

6. Other Sections: The Income Tax Department allows you save tax in a number of ways under a number of sections. You must evaluate if you can save some extra tax with those sections.

Remember, Tax Planning isn’t rocket science, you just have to plan in advance, you may use the above tips and save taxes and do follow your resolutions from the next year.

Life Insurance – A Must For Everyone !

In recent years the India has emerged as one of the fastest growing financial services market in the world. This has been largely due to rising incomes driven by economic growth and increasingly informed customers with differing needs for financial services.

The Life Insurance market in India has also grown very impressively over the past six years, with new business premiums growing at over 30-35%. Today, the $ 41-billion Indian life insurance industry is considered the fifth largest life insurance market. The total number of life insurers registered with the IRDA has gone up to 23 and since the opening up of the insurance sector in India, the industry has received FDI to the tune of $ 525.6 million.

The impressive run has been powered by the liberalisation of the industry that enabled new players in the industry with greater enthusiasm and aspirations backed by capital commitments. The new players have also helped the industry develop by significantly contributing to increased insurance awareness & information flow, promoting consumer education, new product innovations & by creating organized marketing & distribution channels.

The Indian Life Insurance industry though is still at a very nascent stage and there is a very long way to go. Currently, the ratio of life insurance premium to the GDP is around 4%. This is much lower than the market levels of 6% to 10% generally observed in developed markets. With only 30% of the Indian population exposed to some form of life insurance, there is also large disparity in the exposure of urban and rural markets. In urban markets, the life insurance penetration is about 65% and in rural markets, this is significantly lower.

There are a host of reasons why life insurance exposure is low in India. The primary reason being ignorance about life insurance and the lack of information and awareness about life insurance facility & options available. There is still lack of easy access to insurance products in India especially in un-banked, rural markets. Often, even if life insurance is taken, the same is largely inadequate to the required amount. This is something common across urban & rural markets, even educated & uneducated masses.

Life Insurance Need:
Life insurance’ is a contract between the policy holder and the insurer, where the insurer agrees to pay a designated beneficiary a sum of money upon the occurrence of the insured individual’s or individuals’ death or other event, such as terminal illness or critical illness. In return, the policy holder agrees to pay a premium – stipulated amounts at regular intervals or in lump sum.

There are only two serious uncertainties of our lives.

  • Dieing early without adequate wealth for others
  • Living too long without adequate wealth for self

With many types of life insurance products available, one can easily cover both these risks comprehensively. Products can be chosen that would provide the necessary amount to your family in case of your uncertain death and also provide a secured source of income during the golden years of your life.

Advantages of Life Insurance:
The following benefits explain why life insurance should be an integral part of your overall financial plan.

  • Risk Cover and financial security in your absence – This is the most important advantage as one can ensure financial well-being for near & dear ones in your absence.
  • Protection plus savings over a long term – Since traditional policies are viewed both by the distributors as well as the customers as a long term commitment; these policies help the policyholders meet the dual need of protection and long term wealth creation efficiently.
  • Planning for life stage needs – Life Insurance policies can also help build long term investment and help you meet your life goals, like child education, their marriage or retirement.
  • Protection against rising health expenses – Life Insurers through riders or stand alone health insurance plans offer the benefits of protection against critical diseases and hospitalization expenses
  • Tax Benefits – Insurance plans provide attractive tax-benefits for both at the time of entry and exit under most of the plans
  • Inculcate savings habit – Being a long-term contract, regular savings is promoted by way of premium payments
  • Safe and regulated – Insurance is a highly regulated sector and IRDA, the regulatory body, through various rules and regulations ensures that the safety of the policyholder’s money is the primary responsibility of all stakeholders

Who needs life insurance?

  1. Children: Children do not need life insurance. This is because, in majority of the cases, no one is dependent on their income. In most insurance policies too, the entry age is restricted to adults.
  2. Single Adults: Single adults with dependents may need insurance policy to care for the financial needs of the parents / dependent persons they support in their absence. However, for single adults with no family / dependents, life insurance coverage is not a necessity.
  3. Beginning Family: Life insurance becomes a necessity if you are considering or have started a family. The need is high as one needs to secure the financial well-being of the family that one is supporting, which often would include spouse and parents. The amount of coverage needs to be sufficient to support their needs for adequate number of years in future. Getting life insurance early at this stage would also be cheaper for you. For well-earning, working couples with no children, they can decide upon their life insurance needs which would be largely to insure better financial well-being of the other person.
  4. Established Families: If you have a family that depends on you, then adequate life insurance coverage is a high priority necessity for you. Even for non-working spouse, life insurance coverage needs to be considered since in her absence can cause significant financial problems for the surviving family. For earning family members, needless to say, adequate life insurance coverage that would cover financial needs for a significant number of years is a must. The cover should be adequate to meet the financial goals of the family life child education, marriage, spouse retirement, etc. in additional to the regular household expenses. Any delay in taking policy would rise the insurance costs or lower the insurance coverage. Hence it is advisable to get life insurance coverage as early as possible.
  5. Elderly: For the elderly who do not have people depending on their income, life insurance is not a necessity. Purchasing a life insurance policy at this stage would also be very expensive. In case, the elderly are looking for investment options, they can do well to search for other low risk financial products with guaranteed income.

How much is needed?
The most important question that comes to mind while planning for insurance is ‘How much of insurance is adequate?’ Factors such as the family size, dependents, outstanding liabilities, disposable assets, mortgages/loans, lifestyle, income sources, investment needs and many other factors impact your insurance requirement. The idea is that the insurance cover should be to such an extent that in case of one’s demise, his / her dependents are able to maintain the same lifestyle as they used to have before the unfortunate event occurred while meeting all financial goals. One may use the following simplistic formula for deciding the life insurance need:

  • Disposable Assets
  • Total Liabilities
  • Present value / cost of all future goals
  • Present value of the Monthly required cash flow for future period which you wish to support

The insurance need would be (a) – (b) + (c) + (d)

Other than this, one may also decided upon the thumb rule for life insurance coverage depending upon the annual income one is earning. The rule can be to have between 5-15 times of annual income as the insurance coverage amount. The multiple would be on the higher side for persons with established families and would be on the lower side for elderly persons / single adults, as the dependency on income reduces.

Types of Life Insurance Policies available in the market

  • Pure Protection Policies : Pure protection policies are like pure life insurance policies. They provide you with life insurance coverage for a specified term of years in exchange for a premium whereby the policy does not accumulate any cash value. In other words, such plans are pure risk cover plans without (or with limited) maturity benefits. The purpose is to provide a high level of coverage at reasonable cost to the person. Hence the term ‘pure’ where the premium buys protection in the event of death and nothing else. Another popular term used for pure protection policies is “Term Insurance”
  • Endowment Policies : Endowment life insurance plans cover risk for a specified period, at the end of which certain defined and/or accumulated benefits are paid back to the policyholder. Such plans are popular and are in nature of long-term savings plans with build-in life cover. Generally at the end of the term, the policyholder receives sum assured plus the accrued / guaranteed bonuses declared during the term, as a lump sum, provided all the premiums are paid. Further, in case of the unfortunate death during the term of the plan, the sum assured is paid out along with the accumulated benefits that the policy offers.
  • Whole Life Policies : Whole life insurance plans, as name suggests, offer life protection during your entire life. Such plans generally offer the option to pay the insurance premium either during the whole life or for a limited period. Such plans generally do not carry any maturity benefits and pay the sum assured to the family in case of an unfortunate death of the policyholder. The primary purpose is to offer financial protection to family.
  • Investment oriented Policies / ULIPs Investment oriented plans or ULIPs (Unit Linked Insurance Plans) : provide you with life coverage and also invest a part of your premium into assets like equity, debt or cash market instruments for creating wealth. Thus, a par of the premium goes towards life coverage and a part in investments whereby units are allocated to the policyholder which have a NAV, similar to mutual funds. The primary purpose of such policies is long-term wealth creation with benefit of life coverage during the term. The policyholder has the generally choice of choosing the preferred asset class for investments.
  • Pension Policies : Pension plans have the purpose of providing for a pre-specified amount at regular intervals of time, starting at a defined time. Thus, such products are more suitable for your post retirement planning. Generally the pension plans have two options – (a) Immediate Annuity Plans and (b) Deferred Annuity Plans.
  • Child Care Policies : Child care plans have the purpose of providing for monetary support to your child and family in case of any unfortunate death or disability of the parent. Such plans help ensure that your child’s financial future and that their goals and dreams are met. Such plans usually offer defined corpus to the child at a certain age in future with premium waiver facility in case of any unfortunate event happening with the parent.

Life insurance coverage has typically been low in India. As educated and informed citizens, it is very critical on our part to ensure that we are adequately insured such that we can guarantee a secured financial future for our dependents. There are a number of policies available in the market. However, one needs to carefully consider and understand all the options available and one’s own need before committing to any product. Taking life insurance is an important decision in your life and one that would be taken very often. Investors need to ensure that they get it right the first time.

Keep Check On Your Spending

Saving money is one of the most important part of ­financial management for individuals and families. Our spendings have a direct impact on our savings but unfortunately, controlling spendings is a challenge for everyone. Many of us believe that saving money is a methodical, disciplined and largely a left brain process. But it is not entirely true and saving money does need a lot of thinking and creativity.

The real challenge with most of us is to be able to think long term, plan for it and ­finally put enough efforts to achieve it. Therefore, the task of deciding how much to spend directly falls on the head of the spender. Here are a few well known tips on how to save more by controlling spendings…


Yes, the same old budgeting technique has gained much more prominence today where credit cards often encourage useless spending. Try budgeting for savings instead of spendings, for a fresh perspective. It will automatically force you to limit budget for spending. Hopefully, you may limit spendthrift activities and impulsive buys as the ­first step.

A creative idea for managing spendings is by maintaining a separate bank account for only spendings. Monthly you may transfer a fixed amount for planned spendings to this account from your income account. One part from our income account will go to savings as planned. This will automatically enforce discipline in managing budget.


Usually, procrastination is found to a useless and typically unproductive habit. But, used at the right place it can be as useful as the methodical thinking, and that right place is the time of spending. When running on the budget above, it’s easy to ­find yourself depleting that ‘spendings account’ before the month ends and then ­finding yourself in the fray with the products you really wanted to buy nowhere to be seen in the order list.

The trick is to procrastinate the use of ‘spendthrift account’ till the ­final days of the month and soon you’ll ­find that your savings are increasing at an increasing rate, and your order-list is full of necessary items you always wanted to buy. Procrastination is a good habit when it comes to spending on things which are not important or urgent.


There are wonderful features now a days on your online bank accounts that can help you save a lot of money you end up paying in penalties for late payments (because most of the time the bank account goes empty before the due date). Auto payment of the bills; i.e. postpaid phone bill, electricity and credit card bills, can save you from frequently paying those unnecessary penalties on late payments. Also, it’ll reduce your account balance in time, allowing you to spend only as much as you should and create another barrier to spending.


Now we come to the hard part, credit cards you so dearly love and use, not just to buy the favorite weekend dinner or movie tickets, give wings to your spending, and if spending gets the wings they are sooner or later bound to go out of control. Therefore, you are left with two options with credit cards:

A You can pull your socks up and start managing your cards meticulously, or

B You can go ahead and switch to Debit cards. (yes, it means surrendering your credit card)

So, which one should you follow? Depends completely on your personality. If you feel that you are one of those people who love discipline, planning and are patient with money, you can easily manage your credit. On the other hand, if you like to call yourself creative, love living in the moment and being spontaneous, credit cards are perhaps not a useful choice for you (though, there can be exceptions).

This step is important, because your credit card can easily make or break your credit score. Credit cards are best and perhaps the easiest way to build a good credit score, all you need to do is take care of the following:

  • Have a total credit limit no exceeding your annual income on all your credit cards combined,
  • Use only up to 70 – 75% of the total credit limit in any billing period, Ensure that you are always able to pay in time, and
  • Ensure the amount spend is always paid in full in the same billing period.

This may sound tough for the right brainers though, and if it does you may follow the tricks given below and still manage to keep a credit card.

  • Spend only as much you can repay at the end of the billing period.
  • Tally the credit card transactions and your bank balance regularly. Check past records to see how much you can actually spend through credit card.
  • To save miscalculations switch to bill payments for phone and electricity through credit card.


This may sound strange but, it is a very useful and stress-free method of making your spending decision. There is one limitation however, you cannot bank on the stranger for each and every small expenditure, and neither would you like the control the stranger may exercise on your expenses. The way to solicit the stranger’s help in controlling your expenses is to get a comprehensive plan and let the stranger tell you how much you can spend in each of the months. That stranger, will usually be your ­financial planner or wealth manager, and will provide you a comprehensive roadmap for not just future but also the present. Knowing what is important and what is not, setting your priorities based on factual data and numbers and not on feelings and impulses will certainly allow you to achieve the self-discipline needed to control the spending.


If somehow you find accepting and applying any of the methods above, yet you still want to be able to control your spending there are more interesting and rejuvenating ways to do that:

A] Spend time prioritizing & planning: A weekend exercise each month or every two months will take you long way towards family bonding and spending your money in far more useful and satisfactory manner.

B] Think Long Term: Long term success requires short term sacrifice and the same is true for money as well. If you have bigger long term goals spending control in the short term is very important.

C] Use SIP Mode: SIP mode of investment, or Systematic Investment Plans can be useful in diverting your money towards savings each month before you can think of spending it. Plus, you have added advantage of performance if you are investing in Equity Mutual Funds.

D] Use Your Recording Skills: No need to be surprised here, recording skills mean recording transactions not the video recording skills. All you need is a notepad on your smart phone or a small notebook and a pen at the end of the day and less than 5 minutes of time to record every expenditure you incurred throughout the day. Best way is to use a spreadsheet on your cell phone or laptop, where you can enter the bank balance at the top (in negative) and then record the spending every day with a total being displayed at the bottom. This, will keep telling you about how close you are to the limit you have set for your expenses. Additionally, if you want to get creative, spreadsheets can be wonderful in reflecting your income-expense status. You may add pie charts (see ­gure: “Spending Chart”) and actually use the data to tally with your bank statement, giving you a comprehensive picture of where your money goes and where you can control its ow.

E] Make a List: Prepare a ‘Go Get It’ list before you go out to shop. It is an old but powerful tool to get hold of your purse each time you get attracted to a new arrival at the superstore, or the new advertisement for the same old non-useful product you already own. With these many weapons at your disposal, it shall be easy for you to conquer the spending territory. Additionally, you can try finding your very own creative ways to control your spending and credit yourself with successfully defending your money later.

Teaching Investments To Your Children

Investing for children’s education, marriage, etc. occupy a prominent position in most people’s list of life goals. You have been saving and investing for these goals in order to ensure that your kid is not compromising because of lack of money and is getting prepared to lead a good quality of life. At the same time, you are also concerned about how your child will manage his finances, spend and save wisely, plan & work towards his financial goals independently.

Our children have not yet had any financial responsibility like paying for insurance, or managing family expenses, or paying for their own education, etc. Some parents try to inculcate the habit of savings in their children from early childhood but this is mostly limited to saving a rupee from their pocket money so that they can splurge their savings on crackers during Diwali, or because they will get a treat from their parents after they meet a goal of accumulating a certain sum of money.

Making your kids familiar with savings is important but the tricky part is introducing your growing children to reality, explaining investments and instilling the interest in them to learn about financial planning. Before explaining the concept of investing to your kids, you must brush up your basics so that you are able to communicate vital information clearly.

Following are a few key points which can help you in teaching your child the basics of investing and the importance of financial independence.

Start at the right age: Don’t talk about investment jargons with your kid while he’s struggling with his nursery rhymes. Wait until he is able to think relatively and comprehend the implications of simple and compound interest, percentages, profit and loss, etc. Talking too early will result in nothing but overhead transmission and create confusion in the mind of your child. Generally, a child is able to attain the maturity of thinking mathematically when he enters adolescent stage, yet it varies from one child to another.

Introduce the basics: Start with explaining the basic concepts, viz assets and liabilities. You can narrate the meaning and importance with the help of real examples like the house you live in is your asset and the loan on the house for which you pay monthly EMIs is your liability. Tell the meaning and importance of investing and various types of investments like stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc., and how these investments can help in building assets and can enable you lead a happy and comfortable life.

Involve your kids: Discuss your family finances with your kids. They should have an idea about your income, assets, the debt you owe to others, how you manage your monthly expenses, budget, etc. Live events can help him understand investing better, like how the car got financed, how a medical emergency was met with the insurance policy you have, or how the vacation you went for was met with the Mutual Fund SIP. He/she should understand that happiness can be achieved by investing. You can also gain your child’s attention by playing money games like business, risk, etc., as well as through mobile apps. Once he gets excited & involved in the games, he’ll be able to relate it better when it comes to reality.

Meeting with your financial advisor: When you meet your financial advisor, you can ask your kids to sit with you in the meeting. They would get to know about goals and portfolio allocation, financial planning, etc. Even if they do not understand the details, it would give them a fair idea about investing. Further, you are there to guide them and answer their queries.

Invest their savings: Another way to expose your kids to investing is investing their small savings. Invest their money in a good investment product, and help them track its growth over time. You can also build a mock portfolio for them and let them track the profits and losses. Let them gauge the losses that can occur due to quick decisions and the benefits of patience & long term investing. They may not be gaining or loosing big money, but the excitement of profits and losses will help them comprehend investing.

Remember, there should not be information overload at any given point of time. You must break the information into smaller and simpler parts. Try to explain with the help of examples and the impact that investments have on our lives. Try to inculcate the habit of saving in your kids from the very beginning. They should know about the gains that they can achieve through investing as well as the basic, “investing for the long term will help in achieving the gains”.